Heated fittings
Heated fittings in the food processing industry must be used in the operations, where the transported food
material contains substances (fats), which set solid at common room temperatures, or which feature high
viscosity, which prevents their transport through piping at temperatures approximately 20°C.
The heated fittings are classified to two groups:
Heated sections of piping (pipes, bends, T-parts)
- Heated control fittings (flaps, ball valves) and special sections of piping, such as filters.
All fittings with heating feature double housing, through which the hot water passes. The water goes to the
heated space through the connecting fittings, usually sleeves (G 3/8“, G 1/2“ or G 3 /4“). The outer housing
features always two connecting fittings (usually sleeves), one for inlet and one for outlet of the hot water, to
enable flow of the hot water along the heated section of the piping.
For connection of the hot water, the heated fittings of sizes DN 25 - DN 32 use the connection fittings of
clearance G 3/8“, sizes DN 40 - DN 65 use the connection fittings of clearance G 1/2“, and the fittings of the
nominal size DN 80 - DN 100 use the connection fittings of clearance G 3 /4“.

Catalogues (PDF)